口腔医学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (11): 1010-1013.DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2022.11.002

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李昌, 尹程程*   

  1. 中国医科大学口腔医学院·附属口腔医院,辽宁省口腔疾病重点实验室 辽宁 沈阳 110002
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-18 出版日期:2022-11-25 发布日期:2022-11-22
  • 通讯作者: *尹程程,E-mail: ccyin@cmu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:李昌(1995~ ),男,河南信阳人,硕士,研究方向:纳米材料与骨组织再生。
  • 基金资助:

Advances in Regulation of Macrophage Behaviors by Nanomaterials for Promoting Bone Regeneration

LI Chang, YIN Chengcheng*   

  1. School and Hospital of Stomatology, China Medical University, Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, Shenyang 110002, China
  • Received:2022-04-18 Online:2022-11-25 Published:2022-11-22

摘要: 骨缺损及骨量不足是临床常见疾病,巨噬细胞作为重要的固有免疫细胞,参与骨愈合再生的整个过程,因其功能高度可塑,已成为骨生物材料免疫调节的重要靶点。近年来,通过纳米材料调控巨噬细胞等免疫细胞从而促进骨组织再生取得一定成效。本文从纳米材料的化学成分、结构以及携带的生物活性分子3个方面对纳米材料调控巨噬细胞促进骨组织再生的相关研究予以总结,以期为骨缺损及骨量不足的临床治疗提供新思路。

关键词: 纳米材料, 骨再生, 巨噬细胞, 骨免疫调控

Abstract: Bone defects and osteopenia are common diseases. Macrophages are an important kind of innate immune cells, which participate in bone healing and regeneration. As macrophages have high plasticity, they become the crucial targets during the osteoimmunomodulation of bone biomaterials. Currently, by regulating immune cells such as macrophages through nanostructures to promote bone regeneration has reached some achievements. In this review, we summarize the studies on the regulation of macrophages to promote bone regeneration via chemical compositions, surface structures, and carried-bioactive molecules of nanostructures, in order to provide new ideas for the clinical treatments of bone defects and osteopenia.

Key words: nanostructures, bone regeneration, macrophages, osteoimmunomodulation