口腔医学研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 509-512.DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2018.05.012

• 口腔材料学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙兢1, 朱博武1, 杨蕾1, 林永盛2, 曹宝成1*   

  1. 1. 兰州大学口腔医学院正畸科 甘肃 兰州 730000;
    2. 西北民族大学口腔国家重点实验室 甘肃 兰州 730030
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-12 出版日期:2018-05-28 发布日期:2018-05-29
  • 通讯作者: 曹宝成, E-mail:caobch@lzu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:孙兢(1985~ ),女,江苏徐州人,硕士在读,主要从事口腔生物材料研究。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Nano-particles on Propertites of Glass-ionomer Cement.

SUN Jing1, ZHU Bo-wu1, YANG Lei1, LIN Yong-sheng2, CAO Bao-cheng1*   

  1. 1. Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
    2. Key Lab of Stomatology of State Ethnic Affair Commission, Northwest University for Nationalities, Lanzhou 730030, China
  • Received:2017-12-12 Online:2018-05-28 Published:2018-05-29

摘要: 目的:评价纳米二氧化钛和纤维素共掺杂对玻璃离子水门汀机械性能及抗菌效果的影响。方法:实验共分3组,2wt%二氧化钛组(T)、2wt%二氧化钛+0.4wt%纳米纤维素的共掺杂组(C)以及未改性水门汀的对照组(CG)。利用万能材料试验机、摩擦磨损试验机分别测试各组材料的抗压性能、摩擦系数和磨损量,菌落计数法评价材料对白色念珠菌的抗菌效果。结果:与未改性组相比,共掺杂组的抗压强度提高了21.8%(P<0.001);磨损量降低为35.9%(P<0.001);抗菌效果提高到92.3%(P<0.001)。扫描电镜可见C组的裂纹显著减少。结论:纳米纤维素和纳米二氧化钛共掺杂显著提高了玻璃离子水门汀的抗压性能、耐磨性以及抗菌效果。

关键词: 玻璃离子水门汀, 纳米粒子, 力学, 抗菌

Abstract: Objective: To explore the effect of co-doping with TiO2 nanoparticles and sisal cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) on the physical and antibacterial properties of a conventional glass-ionomer cement (GIC). Methods: Test samples were divided into three groups: 2wt.% titanium dioxide group (T), 2wt.% titanium dioxide + 0.4wt.% CNCs co-doped group (C), and unmodified cement control group (CG). The samples were subjected to mechanical tests to evaluate the compressive strength and wear resistance. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated against candida albicans. Results: Compared with the control group, the co-doped group demonstrated an increased compressive strength of 21.8%(P<0.001), the volume wear rate was reduced to 35.9% (P<0.001). The antibacterial effect against candida albicans was increased to 92.3%(P<0.001). Scanning electron microscopy showed a significant reduction of cracks in group C. Conclusion: The co-doping of CNCs and TiO2 nanoparticles significantly improve the compressive properties, abrasion resistance, and antibacterial effect of GIC.

Key words: Glass-ionomercement, Nanoparticles, Mechanics, Antimicrobial