Guide to Authors


    Journal of Oral Science Research(JOSR) is a publicly issued scientific journal which ispublished monthly by School of Stomatology Wuhan University in partnership with Hubei Stomatological Association and other 17 celebrated stomatological schools and departments. JOSR is affiliated to the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China.JOSR encompasses Viewpoints of well-known specialists, basic and clinical studies, reviews, comments, special Contribution, technicalnotes,Tutorial, clinical reports,case reports,News and Announcements, Summary of Conference, and academic trends.The aim of the journal is the“Innovation, Faithfulness, and Service”.JOSR encourages manuscripts submissions from all parts of the world.


    Special shortcut access is prepared for the manuscriptswith high quality,which have novel idea and advanced methods,and especially the latest, the newest and the hottest works.By adding the recommendation of well-known specialists or the authors themselves to the first page,the manuscripts can be quickly published after getting the acceptance of the experts of the editorial board.


    Submissions to JOSR are only accepted for consideration via the online manuscript submission site at clicking “Online Submission” on the home page, the system will prompt the authors through a step-by-step process to create their account and submit their manuscripts. After the manuscript is successfully submitted,the author will receive an acknowledgementand get comments of the primary examination within a month.


    A peer-reviewtri-evaluation and approving system is adopted for refereeingall manuscripts,including the primary review by the editors,the secondary reviewby thepeer experts, and the final reviewby the editorial board and the chief editor.The detailed flow chart is shown in the website.


    1. All submitted manuscripts should abide by ethnics rules and Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals produced by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The detailed information is shown in the website.

    2. Manuscripts submitted should be scientific,advanced and readable with definite arguments,reliable information,highlighted key points,refined writing,clear viewpoints,precise data,right statisticalmethod and credible outcomes. There is a strict limit of 5,000 words for original research articles (including abstracts,charts, tables and references),and 2,000 words for case reports and technique introductions.

    3. Title: The title should be short (less than 20 characters in Chinese),striking and kept to the point,and the English title should be in accordance with the Chinese title.

    4. Author information:Detail authorinformationshould be shown in the first page,including an individual resume of the first author and the full contact details of the corresponding author. When the authors are from different affiliations,affiliations and zip codes of all authors should be listed individually,and marked1,2 or 3 after the full name of the authors.Names and affiliations of foreign authors can be written in their own language.

    5. Abstract: A brief abstract, including Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion, in both Chinese and English (about 300 characters in Chinese and 200 words in English) should state the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study. The title and the author information (names, affiliations and zip codes) are also included.

    6. Key words: About 3 to 5 key words in accord with Medical Subject Headings(MeSH)without abbreviations should be listed after the Abstract.

    7. Figures and tables: All figures and tables should have captions in both Chinese and English,and avoid the mixed usage of languages in the same figure or table. The photograph should be in .JPEG format and the table should be in three-line format. Images of tissue section should give a note of the magnification times.Lines in line graphs should be clear to show an accurate relationship.

    8. About contributors: Authors are required to report the classification of the grant funds and the project number of the funded subject if any.

    9. Informed consent and Ethical approval: For experiments involving human and animal subjects, authors must identify the Institutional Review Board (the board is of affiliations or a regional or national one should be informed) approving the experiments and include with their submission a statement confirming that informed consent was obtained from all subjects.

    10. Medical terminology:Refer to Medical Terminology published by China National Committee for Terms in Sciences and Technologies, “An English-Chinese Medical Dictionary” published by People's Medical Publishing House and the latest edition of“Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China”.

    11. Unit of measurement:The unit of measurement should be performed according to the standards in“the People's Republic of China Statutory Measurement Units”,“GB 3100-93 The International System of Units and Its Application”,“GB 3101-93 General Principles Concerning Quantities Units and Symbols”, “GB 3102.1-13-93 Quantities and units of solid state physics”. The numerals should be obeyed the “GB/T 15835-2011 General Rules for Writing Numerals in Public Texts”.

    12. Statistical methods and data: Statistical symbols are used according to “GB 3358-2009 Statistics—Vocabulary and Symbols”in italic font.Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or n (%). Differences between groups were compared using a two tailed Student’s t test (quantitative data) or χ2 test (qualitative data). The odds ratios (ORs) are presented with a 95% confidence interval (CI). The measurement data were analyzed by t test and ANOVA. Correlation analysis was done by Spearman rank correlation analysis. P values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant.The specific names of the statistical methods (ttest,ANOVA,etc.) and the exactnumeric of the statistical parameters (egt=1.64,P=0.35) should be presented.The statistical results can be also shown in the tables or marked under.

    13. References: The references should follow“GB/T7714-2015 Information and Documentation-Rules for Bibliographic References and Citations to Information Resources” and check carefully.The references had better limit to papers that are published in recent yearsand read by the authors.According to the numbering and order of citations in the text, references are listed sequentially at the end of the paper. Following are reference style examples:

    1) 赵晓珩,孟柳燕,边专.大鼠牙龈退缩模型的建立[J]口腔医学研究, 2015,31(6):564-567 (Article in a Journal)

    2) Groenen MAM,Archibald AL,Uenishi H,et al.Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution[J] Nature,2012,491(7424):393-398 (Article in a Journal)

    3) 李雪铃,杨凌,朱文军,.铸瓷髓腔固位冠修复个别上前牙错位的疗效观[J/CD]中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版), 2015,9(3):205-210 (Online Publication)

    4) 宿玉成.现代口腔种植学[M]. 北京:人民卫生出版社,2004.187-188 (Chapter in a Book)

    5) Herbert T. Shillingburg固定义齿修复学精要[M]. 冯海兰,.北京人民军医出版社 2015 (Translation Book)

    14. Conflict of interest and copyrights: Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors should sign “Conflict of interest statement” and “Copyright transfer statement”. JOSR has the right to revise the manuscripts and publish them in printed or electronic journals,via CDs and in databases upon acceptance.Once published, all rights to manuscripts will be transferred to JOSR.Any part of the articles is inhibited from reprinting without permission. The “Conflict of interest statement” and “Copyright transfer statement” can be downloaded from the website.

    15. Remuneration and offprint: Remuneration and offprint will be paid to the first author once the manuscript ispublished.The first author will distribute them to the co-authors.

    16. Please contact us: Editorial Office of Journal of Oral Science Research,School of Stomatology, Wuhan University,237 Luoyu Road,Wuhan 430079,China. Tel: +86 27 87686117. Fax: +86 27 87873260. E-mail: Website:

    17. Flow chart of manuscript treatment process.

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