

    28 November 2021, Volume 37 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Applications Progress of 3D Culture of Stem Cells in the Research of Dental Pulp Regeneration
    NIU Weidong, LIU Runyuan
    2021, 37(11): 961-965.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.001
    Abstract ( 258 )   PDF (1009KB) ( 437 )  
    3D (Three-dimensional) culture of cells is a culture method in vitro. The growth and original 3D shape of cells in human body are simulated by this method which is beneficial to intracellular gene expression and signal transduction. As one of the important research directions, 3D culture of stem cells was mainly used in the field of organ culture and tissue regeneration. In the study of dental pulp regeneration, there are some limitations of cell contact inhibition, gene expression, and loss of biological functions in 2D (two-dimensional) culture of stem cells. However, the ability of self-renewal and specific differentiation of stem cells are enhanced by 3D culture and the regeneration effect of pulp-dentin complex with neurovascularization is significantly better than 2D monolayer culture. Therefore, in this review, the research status of 3D culture of cells are discussed. The advantage, application and prospect of 3D culture of stem cells in the research of dental pulp regeneration are summarized and analyzed. It is aimed to provide a theoretical basis for the optimization of culture conditions of stem cells and regeneration effect in dental pulp regeneration.
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    Research Progress on Mechanism of Macrophages Affecting Bone Formation
    NIE Zhangling, BAO Chongyun
    2021, 37(11): 966-969.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.002
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (827KB) ( 862 )  
    Macrophages play a key role in bone formation, and their specific performance is regulated by multiple complex biological mechanisms. Specifically, certain signaling molecules secreted by macrophages, such as oncostatin M (OSM), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), have a key role in osteogenesis. In addition, polarized subtypes of macrophages also play a regulatory role at different stages of osteogenesis. This article reviews the research progress of the related mechanisms of macrophages influencing bone formation in recent years.
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    Application of 5G in Stomatology
    ZHAO Ting, LIU Xiaoqiu
    2021, 37(11): 970-972.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.003
    Abstract ( 305 )   PDF (789KB) ( 438 )  
    The emergence, development, and maturity of 5G (5th generation mobile networks) technology has made it widely applied in medicine, including stomatology. The combination of 5G network and medical treatment promotes the development of remote oral medicine, improves the accuracy of treatment, speeds up the rate of medical treatment, and improves the unequal distribution of medical resources. It is also an important measure to improve the convenience of medical treatment in remote areas, bringing a new dawn to the development of medicine.
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    Research Progress of Intracranial Dislocation of Mandibular Condyle
    LIU Pan, PENG Liwei
    2021, 37(11): 973-975.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.004
    Abstract ( 166 )   PDF (1119KB) ( 468 )  
    Anterior dislocation of mandibular condyle is common, however, the intracranial dislocation is very rare. So far, domestic literatures have rarely reported the cases of intracranial dislocation of condyle. Only dozens of such patients could be searched through Pubmed. Although this disease is rare, the treatment is challenging. By reviewing the literature, this paper made a brief summary of the pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of intracranial dislocation of mandibular condyle, aiming to provide a reference for clinical practice.
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    Advancement in Epigenetics of Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells
    ZHANG Kun, LIU Yali
    2021, 37(11): 976-980.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.005
    Abstract ( 316 )   PDF (862KB) ( 461 )  
    Periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) are mesenchymal stem cells in periodontal ligament tissue, which are important cell group for periodontal tissue regeneration and repair. Changes of periodontal microenvironment will affect the biological characteristics of PDLSCs. Epigenetics has no changes in DNA sequence. It refers to changes in gene expression levels and functions. Environmental factors are one of the important influencing factors of epigenetics. Different environments exposure can cause changes in epigenetic modification, which in turn affect gene expression. Epigenetics is an important regulatory mechanism for the biological characteristics of stem cells. These changes in stem cells are stable, heritable, and reversible. In recent years, epigenetic regulation of PDLSCs has become a hot research topic. To make PDLSCs better applied to periodontal regeneration repair, this article reviews the effects of epigenetic regulation on the biological characteristics of periodontal ligament stem cells.
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    Sterilization Effect of Er:YAG Laser on Enterococcus Faecalis in Curved Root Canals: An in Vitro Study
    HE Rong, LIU Xuejun, ZHOU Yukun
    2021, 37(11): 981-988.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.006
    Abstract ( 191 )   PDF (9439KB) ( 107 )  
    Objective: To explore the difference in the sterilization effect of Er:YAG laser PIPS, SWEEPS, and traditional irrigation methods in straight root canals and curved root canals of multiple teeth. Methods: The straight root canal and the curved root canal were selected to establish the Enterococcus faecalis infection model. The isolated teeth were randomly divided into 8 groups, 15 cases in each group, and the following treatments were performed: A (PIPS + straight root canal); B (PIPS + curved root canal); C (SWEEPS + straight root canal); D (SWEEPS + curved root canal); E (PUI + straight root canal); F (PUI + curved root canal); G (CI + straight root canal); H (CI + curved root canal), the same batch of isolated teeth were selected as a blank control. After treatment, the bacteria were extracted and cultured. After 24 hours, the colonies were counted and observed by scanning electron microscope and laser confocal. Results: Sterilization effect of each group: straight root canal: PIPS/SWEEPS>PUI>CI; curved root canal group: SWEEPS>PIPS/PUI>CI. SWEEPS group can reach a higher sterilization depth in the root canal at the apex and smear removal effect. Conclusion: Compared with traditional root canal irrigation methods, Er:YAG laser PIPS and SWEEPS can significantly improve the removal of bacteria and smear layer in curved root canals, and SWEEPS is better than PIPS.
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    Efficacy Assessment of Clinical Disinfectants for Enterococcus Faecalis via Single-cell Raman Microspectroscopy
    LIU Yuhan, MA Yuying, ZHANG Lijuan, LI Xiuzhen, YANG Jiazhen, NIU Yufen, SUN Yanfei, ZENG Fei; YANG Fang
    2021, 37(11): 989-993.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.007
    Abstract ( 164 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 192 )  
    Objective: To evaluate the susceptibility of enterococcus faecalis (Ef) to clinical disinfectants for the development of effective yet patient-friendly disinfectant formulations. Methods: The growth and metabolism-inhibiting effects of intracanal disinfectants via minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum inhibitory concentration were quantitatively assessed based on metabolic activity (MIC-MA), using broth dilution test and D2O-probed Single-Cell Raman Spectra (SCRS) respectively. Results: For hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), at their MIC of 110 mg/L and 0.45 g/L respectively, despite complete halt of growth, metabolic activity of bacterial cells was reduced averagely for 71% and 70% at 8 hours, revealing a "nongrowing but metabolically active" (NGMA) state that may underlie potential refractory infections. In contrast, at their MIC-MA of 220 mg/L and 0.9 g/L respectively, metabolic activity of all cells was completely halted throughout 8 hours' exposure. Moreover, the combination usage of NaClO+H2O2 outperformed the solo usage of NaClO or H2O2. Conclusion: MIC-MA is advantageous in critically assessing antibacterial efficacy, and NaClO+H2O2 can potentially serve as a more efficient disinfectant formula for bacterial pathogens.
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    Effects of Primary Tooth with Periapical Periodontitis on Permanent Successor by Imaging Studies
    LI Ling, YANG Xihu, LI Jun
    2021, 37(11): 994-998.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.008
    Abstract ( 332 )   PDF (1298KB) ( 642 )  
    Objective: To evaluate dental anomalies in permanent teeth as a result of periapical periodontitis concerning the predecessor primary teeth. Methods: A total of 148 panoramic radiographs of children within the age range of 3 to 10 years were collected and 175 mandibular first primary molar with chronic periapical periodontitis (95 males and 80 females) were analyzed. All permanent successor were scored according to Nolla's method and compared with normal ones' of each age. The percentage of dental malposition and malformation were analyzed. The primary molar and dental follicle were scored and analyzed. Results: The dental scores of permanent successor were different from normal teeth. The differences were significant in many groups (aged in 4, 7, and 8 groups for males and 6, 7, and 9 for females, P<0.05). The percentage of permanent successor involved with dental follicle broken, malposition, and malformation were 78.94%, 42.1%, and 8.42% for male, and 82.50%, 38.75%, and 15.00% for female, respectively (P>0.05). No correlation was found between the damage level of deciduous teeth and dental follicle. Conclusion: Primary tooth with periapical periodontitis can lead to development anomaly, either acceleration or deceleration. It can also lead to malposition and malformation, which is not depended on the damage level of deciduous teeth.
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    Analysis of Periodontal Biotype Distribution and Related Factors of Maxillary Anterior Teeth of Youth in Different Nationalities in Xinjiang
    CHEN Miaomiao, SHEN Yufeng, GOU Xiaorui, YU Chongqing, LI Qian, YUE Haifeng, JIANG Dandan, HUANG Meiyu, ZHOU Zheng
    2021, 37(11): 999-1003.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.009
    Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (991KB) ( 177 )  
    Objective: To assess the morphological characteristics of different tooth sites, sex, and ethnic groups, and evaluate their correlation to gingival biotype (GB). Methods: Periodontal phenotypes in 335 healthy individuals from four ethnic groups in the Xinjian region of China were investigated. Clinical and dental stone measurements were used to establish the crown width (CW) and length (CL) and its ratio, attached gingival width (AGW), and probing depth (PD). GB association with sex, ethnic group, smoking status, alcohol consumption, BMI, toothbrushing habits and patterns, and mouthwash use, was evaluated. Results: CW, CL, CW/CL, and AGW among maxillary anterior teeth were different significantly (P<0.001). There were significant differences in the distribution of GB in different teeth positions (P<0.001). The thick gingival biotypes were 60.1%, 37.9%, and 26.1% in incisors, lateral incisors, and canines, respectively (P<0.05). There were differences in CL, CW/CL ratio and AGW in different ethnic groups (P<0.05). The thick gingiva biotype of maxillary anterior teeth was more in male and Uygur and Kazakh ethnic group. People with smoking manner and higher BMI (18.5 kg/m2≤BMI<25 kg/m2, BMI≥25 kg/m2) had more thick gingival biotypes. There were more thin gingival biotypes in the group of drinking and brushing vertically and horizontally (P<0.05). Conclusion: Significant differences were found in dentogingival measurements according to tooth position and ethnicity. Factors related to GB according to tooth position varied significantly, but sex and ethnicity had marked effects.
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    Multivariate Analysis of Effect of Dietary Habits on Chronic Periodontitis
    LU Hao, LI Jinfeng, SUN Qi, DAI Jianghong, CHEN Xiaotao
    2021, 37(11): 1004-1008.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.010
    Abstract ( 199 )   PDF (1331KB) ( 224 )  
    Objective: To explore the influencing factors of dietary types and dietary patterns on the outcome of chronic periodontitis (CP). Methods: The dietary data were collected from the project "China Northwest Cohort, CNC" database, and A total of 1000 CP people were selected. According to the American CDC's diagnostic criteria for chronic periodontitis, the study population was divided into four groups: healthy, mild, moderate, and severe CP groups. The lasso regression was used to screen 47 dietary variables. Only those variables demonstrating significance both in univariate regression and lasso regression were included in the multivariate regression model. Results: It was concluded that the risk of CP by consuming 40-75g of animal viscera per day was 1.70 times higher than that of intake less than 40 g (95%CI: 1.16-2.48, P<0.05). Compared with not eating sunflower oil, the OR of eating sunflower oil was 1.58 (95%CI: 1.12-2.22, P<0.05). Besides, compared with not eating fried food, the OR value of eating 1-3 times per month was 0.66 (95%CI: 0.43-1.01, P>0.05). Conclusion: The selection of animal viscera as the only meat food, excessive intake of sunflower oil, and fried foods with a frequency of more than once a week may associate with the progress of CP.
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    Effects of Chronic Sleep Deprivation on Expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in Condyle of Rats
    LIU Yang, BAI Yuehui, CUI Yulan, ZHAO Chen
    2021, 37(11): 1009-1016.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.011
    Abstract ( 155 )   PDF (12837KB) ( 78 )  
    Objective: To investigate the effects of chronic sleep deprivation and sleep recovery on the development of temporomandibular joint degeneration in rats and the changes in the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9. Methods: MMPM method was used to establish the rat model of chronic sleep deprivation for 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks and the open field test was used to verify. The HE staining was used to observe the changes of rat’s condylar cartilage tissue and immunohistochemical method was used to detect the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in condylar cartilage. Results: MMPM could successfully induce the rats into the chronic sleep deprivation state. HE staining showed that the experimental group’s condyle cartilage had degenerative changes. Immunohistochemical results showed that the positive expression intensity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the experimental group at each time point was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05), and the positive expression intensity in the recovery group at each time point was lower than that in the experimental group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Chronic sleep deprivation can cause degeneration changes of condyle cartilage in rats, and the secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 by chondrocytes is involved in the degeneration process.
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    Effects of YAP Inhibition on Proliferation and Apoptosis of Fibrocartilage Stem Cells
    QIN Haoyang, HUANG Shun, JI Ping, ZHANG Shuqi, REN Xiaochun
    2021, 37(11): 1017-1022.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.012
    Abstract ( 243 )   PDF (3201KB) ( 266 )  
    Objective: To investigate the effects of YAP inhibition on the proliferation and apoptosis of fibrocartilage stem cells (FCSCs), and bring new insights for pathology of TMJOA. Methods: FCSCs were isolated from SD rats and identified. Synthesized sequences of siRNA were transfected into FCSCs in vitro for YAP inhibition. The proliferation activity of FCSCs after transfection was detected by using cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8). Changes in the cell cycle and apoptosis rate of FCSCs were detected by using flow cytometry. TMJOA model was conducted in rats, and verteporfin (a YAP inhibitor) was intra-articular injected, whose effect on the number of FCSC was detected by immunofluorescent costaining and compared with TMJOA control group. Results: After transfection, FCSC's proliferation activity was significantly inhibited (P<0.05) and apoptosis rate was increased (P<0.05). The cell cycle was changed as the proportion of G0/G1 increased (P<0.05) and S phase decreased (P<0.05). Immunofluorescent staining demonstrated that FCSC were decreased during TMJOA, which was intensified in the YAP inhibition group and resulted in a more depleted FCSC pool. Conclusion: The inhibition of YAP expression can decrease the proliferation activity, induce the apoptosis, and change the cell cycle of FCSCs. The consequent intensified FCSC pool depletion may be a critical reason for the progression of TMJOA.
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    Accuracy Test and Preliminary Application of Mandibular Motion Simulation Based on Intraoral Scanning Registration
    CHEN Junpeng, WANG Jing, LV Liefu, WANG Yang, MAO Chi, CHEN Kenan, YUAN Ruoshui, XU Xiangliang, WANG Diancan, GUO Yuxing, SU Jiazeng, GUO Chuanbin
    2021, 37(11): 1023-1028.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.013
    Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (3479KB) ( 388 )  
    Objective: To verify the accuracy of mandibular motion simulation method based on intraoral scanning registration, and apply it in patients after preliminary mandibular reconstruction. Methods: Mandibular movement was recorded by jaw tracking system and the trajectory was registered with CT through oral scanning to simulate the mandibular movement. Titanium screws were screwed into the skull models’ upper and lower jaws respectively. The distances between the titanium screws in the actual condition, through CT image, and through simulation were measured and compared. 12 patients after mandibular reconstruction and 5 normal volunteers were included. Results: The overall error of motion simulation was (0.61±0.05) mm, and the 95% confidence interval was (0.51, 0.71) mm. The outward movement of condyle on the affected side of the patients (2.70±0.62) mm were greater than that of the normal group [(1.23±0.26) mm, P<0.05], and the inward movement of condyle on the healthy side [(2.91±0.63) mm] was also greater than that of the normal group [(1.59±0.28) mm, P<0.05]. Conclusion: The accuracy of the mandibular motion simulation method based on intraoral scanning was verified. It could be used to measure and evaluate the condylar movement after mandibular reconstruction.
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    Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Pulse on Necroptosis of Mandibular Condylar Chondrocytes in Rats
    MA Yuanjun, HE Feng, WANG Jin, LIU Qian, CHEN Xiaohua, HE Rui, LI Tianle, TONG Xin, YU Shibin
    2021, 37(11): 1029-1035.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.014
    Abstract ( 135 )   PDF (7147KB) ( 45 )  
    Objective: To explore the biological effects of different high-intensity electromagnetic pulse (EMP) stimulation on mandibular condylar cartilage and the involvement of chondrocyte necroptosis, so as to provide new ideas for the protection and treatment of electromagnetic radiation in the future. Methods: SD rats were randomly divided into Sham group (SHAM group) and irradiation group (EMP1 group and EMP2 group), then were sacrificed at 3 h, 12 h, and 24 h after irradiation. The degree of cartilage degeneration was evaluated by HE staining, Safranin O staining, and type Ⅱ collagen staining. Immunohistochemistry and Western blotting were used to detect the expression of RIPK3 and p-MLKL in condylar cartilage. Results: Compared with SHAM group, a large number of chondrocytes in condylar hypertrophy layer of EMP1 group showed abnormal nuclei hyperchromatism and enlargement at 3 h, and the abnormal hyperchromatism almost disappeared at 12 h and 24 h. There was no significant change in cell morphology in EMP2 group. Compared with SHAM group, the percentage of type Ⅱ collagen positive area in condylar cartilage of EMP1 group was significantly lower (P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the percentage of type Ⅱ collagen positive area in EMP2 group (P>0.05). Compared with SHAM group, there was no significant difference in cartilage thickness and percentage of proteoglycan positive area in both EMP1 and EMP2 group (P>0.05). The percentage of positive chondrocytes and protein expression of RIPK3 and p-MLKL in condylar cartilage of EMP1 group were significantly higher than SHAM group at 3 h and 24 h (P<0.01), and with no significant difference from SHAM group at 12 h. In EMP2 group, the percentage of RIPK3 positive chondrocytes and protein expression were significantly decreased (P<0.01), the percentage of p-MLKL positive chondrocytes and protein expression were significantly increased at 3 h (P<0.05), there was no significant difference at 12 h and decreased significantly at 24 h (P<0.05). Conclusion: A certain dose of EMP can cause transient damage of condylar cartilage, in which necroptosis is involved in the transient effect of EMP on condylar cartilage.
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    Clinical Application of Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flaps in the Restoration of Recurrent Oral Cancer Defects
    FAN Tengfei, REN Zhenhu, YANG Wenjun, ZHANG Sheng, HU Jingzhou, WU Hanjiang, ZHANG Chenping
    2021, 37(11): 1036-1038.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.015
    Abstract ( 168 )   PDF (1899KB) ( 213 )  
    Objective: To analyze the clinical application of thoracodorsal artery perforator flaps in the reatoration of recurrent oral cancer defects. Methods: Clinical data of 7 patients with recurrent oral cancer in Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from January 2018 to June 2020, who were treated by thoracodorsal artery perforator flaps were analyzed retrospectively. The lateral perforator branch of dorsal thoracic artery was used as the vessel pedicle in 6 cases, and the perforator branch of serratus anterior of dorsal thoracic artery was used as the vessel pedicle in 1 cases. The flap was removed without latissimus dorsi muscle and thoracic dorsal nerve, and the area of the flap was 6 cm×12 cm to 8 cm×15 cm. There were 2 cases of recurrence of tongue cancer after TDAP repair, 2 cases of recurrence of tongue cancer, 1 case of recurrence of bucolic cancer, 1 case of recurrence of mandibular gingival cancer, and 1 case of recurrence of oral floor cancer respectively. All patients had no distant metastasis of lung or liver. Results: All 7 flaps survived, and the survival rate of flaps was 100%. Both the recipient and donor areas healed in the first stage. After 3-10 months of follow-up, the skin flap was of good texture, not bloated, no need for secondary plastic surgery, and the donor area of the skin flap and shoulder joint function were good. Conclusion: TDAP is indeed suitable for reconstruction of recurrent oral cancer defects. Due to the ductile texture of TDAP, long vascular pedicle, large tissue volume, hidden scar at the donor site, and small functional loss at the donor site, it is very conducive to the recovery of the morphology and function of recurrent oral cancer defects.
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    Clinical Manifestations and Imaging Characteristics of Parotid Secretory Carcinoma
    WANG Songjie, ZHAO Junfang, PENG Yanhui, ZHA Zhian, WANG Qiuxiang, SUN Qiang
    2021, 37(11): 1039-1041.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.016
    Abstract ( 614 )   PDF (1040KB) ( 613 )  
    Objective: To investigate the clinical manifestations and imaging characteristics of parotid secretory carcinoma. Methods: The clinical data of patients with parotid secretory carcinoma who were treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from January 2017 to October 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical manifestations and imaging characteristics of the patients were analyzed. Results: Ten patients, 5 males and 5 females, were included in the study. The onset age was 2-68 years old, including 2 children and 1 adolescent, with an average age of 38.5 years old. The maximum diameter of the tumor was 2.5-4.8 cm. Most of the lesions accumulated in the superficial and deep lobe of the parotid gland, with medium to hard texture, clear boundary, and poor activity. The clinical manifestations were gradual growth of pailess tumor. B-ultrasound showed clear boundary cystic solid lesions, mainly cystic lesions. There was no obvious blood flow signal (5/7). CT showed that the lesions were shallow lobulated, and were heterogeneous enhanced after enhancement. Cystic low-density areas and nodular images were visible with clear boundary (6/7). MRI showed round or nodular, long T1 and T2 signal, high signal on fat pressure image, low signal on ADC. The cystic components showed high signal on T1 weighted imaging and T2 weighted imaging. The solid component showed low signal intensity (4/4). Conclusion: Secretory carcinoma of parotid gland is a rare low-grade malignant salivary gland tumor. Its clinical manifestations and imaging characteristics provide a basis for the preoperative diagnosis of parotid secretory carcinoma.
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    Effect of Emodin on Proliferation, Invasion and Migration of Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells
    LIU Yang, ZHANG Hao, YU Wei, HU Tuqiang, TANG Weiwei
    2021, 37(11): 1042-1047.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.017
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (3656KB) ( 210 )  
    Objective: To investigate the effect of emodin on proliferation, invasion, and migration of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells CAL-27 and SCC-15 and its molecular mechanism. Methods: CAL-27 and SCC-15 cells were treated with different concentrations of emodin. CCK-8 was used to detect their proliferation activity. According to the results, the corresponding drug concentration (IC50) was calculated when the cell inhibition rate was 50% at different time. Scratch test and Transwell invasion test were used to detect the effects of emodin on the migration and invasion of two kinds of cells. Western blot was used to detect the effect of emodin on the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9. Real time quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to detect the effect of emodin on the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA. Results: Compared with the control group, emodin at different concentrations could inhibit the proliferation of CAL-27 and SCC-15 cells (P<0.05) in a time concentration dependent manner. Compared with the control group, Rhein could significantly reduce the wound healing rate and the number of invasive cells (P<0.05), which was concentration dependent. Compared with the control group, the mRNA and protein expression levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in emodin treated cells were significantly decreased (P<0.05). Conclusion: Emodin can significantly inhibit the proliferation, invasion, and migration of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells in vitro, which may relate to the down regulation of the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9.
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    Preliminary Evaluation of Upper Airway Alteration after Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery in Patients with Skeletal Class Ⅱ Malocclusion via Three Dimensional Reconstruction Techniques
    ZHANG Kun, ZOU Weina, PU Yumei, HU Xiaobei, WANG Yuxin
    2021, 37(11): 1048-1053.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.018
    Abstract ( 154 )   PDF (1606KB) ( 240 )  
    Objective: To evaluate the upper airway dimension changes in skeletal Class Ⅱ patients treated with bimaxillary orthognathic surgery through spiral computed tomography. Methods: Twelve patients (4 males and 8 females) with skeletal Class Ⅱ malocclusion underwent LeFort I osteotomy and bilateral sagittal split mandibular advancement was selected. Spiral CT data were collected 1 week before operation (T0), 3 days after operation (T1), and 6-12 months after operation (T2). The cross-sectional diameter, length and volumes of the airway in T0, T1 and T2 were measured. The data in T0, T1 and T2 were compared. Results: The vertical diameter of Anp plane, the airway length of the nasopharynx, the glossopharynx and the total upper airway decreased significantly 3 days and 6-12 months [(3.42±3.68) mm, (3.42±3.68) mm, (2.83±3.89) mm, and (6.02±8.23) mm] after surgery. The cross-section area of Anp plane, the sagittal diameter and cross-section area of Lnp plane, the glossopharynx airway volume, the transverse diameter of Lvp plane, the velopharynx airway volume decreased significantly 3 days after surgery, and returned to preoperative level 6-12 months after surgery. The sagittal diameter and cross-section area of Lvp plane and Lgp plane, the glossopharynx airway volume increased significantly 6-12 months [(3.90±3.83) mm, (25.16±68.21) mm2, (3.26±3.74) mm, (34.55±89.41) mm2, and (1091.63±1382.39) mm3] after surgery. The change degree of the glossopharynx airway volume 6-12 months after surgery was positively correlated with the sagittal movement distance of point B. Conclusion: The glossopharynx airway volume increased in skeletal Class Ⅱ patients after bimaxillary orthognathic surgery, the increase degree was positively correlated with the sagittal movement distance of the mandible. The velopharynx airway decreased significantly 3 days after surgery, and returned to preoperative level 6-12 months after surgery. There was no significant difference in the nasopharynx, the hypopharynx, and the total upper airway volume.
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    Three-dimensional Analysis of Upper Arch Distalization with Mini-screw Anchorage
    CHEN Xiaobo, ZHENG Yaxin, ZHANG Junjie, HE Jie
    2021, 37(11): 1054-1058.  DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2021.11.019
    Abstract ( 192 )   PDF (1443KB) ( 304 )  
    Objective: To measure the three-dimensional changes of the teeth after upper arch distalization with mini-screw anchorage using CBCT, and evaluate its movement mode and mechanical mechanism. Methods: 23 patients who underwent distalization of maxillary dentition with mini-screw anchorage were included. The three-dimensional changes of teeth were analyzed by Dolphin software. SPSS 23.0 was used for analysis of the changes. Results: The mean distalization values of upper first molar, canine, and incisor were 2.60 mm, 2.66 mm, and 2.07 mm. Mean distal tipping of upper first molar, canine, and incisor were 5.31°, 5.42° and -4.68°. The mean extrusion values of upper first molar and canine were 0.96 mm and 0.40 mm. The occlusal plane showed significant clockwise rotation by 1.51°. The upper first molar showed 4.57° buccal tipping and 7.71° distal rotation. The widths of upper canine and first molar increased 1.18 mm and 2.01 mm on average. Conclusion: Significant distalization of upper arch could be obtained by mini-screw anchorage.Upper molar showed a certain degree of extrusion, buccal tipping, and distal rotation. The occlusal plane showed significant clockwise rotation. The width of the upper canine and first molar increased.
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