口腔医学研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 135-139.DOI: 10.13701/j.cnki.kqyxyj.2017.02.005

• 基础研究论著 • 上一篇    下一篇


王川1, 廖海清1, 曹正国1,2*   

  1. 1. 武汉大学口腔医学院口腔基础医学省部共建国家重点实验室培训基地和口腔生物医学教育部重点实验室 湖北 武汉 430079;
    2. 武汉大学口腔医院牙周科 湖北 武汉 430079
  • 收稿日期:2016-11-01 出版日期:2017-02-20 发布日期:2017-02-22
  • 通讯作者: 曹正国,电话:027-87686212
  • 作者简介:王川(1990~ ),男,河南人,硕士在读,研究方向为牙周病学。
  • 基金资助:

Differentially Expressed MicroRNA during Cementoblasts Mineralization Based Microarray.

WANG Chuan1, LIAO Hai-qing1, CAO Zheng-guo1,2*.   

  1. 1. The State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Basic Science of Stomatology (Hubei-MOST KLOS &
    Key Laboratory for Oral Biomedical Engineering of Ministry of Education(KLOBME, School &
    Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China;
    2. Department of Periodontology, School &
    Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China.
  • Received:2016-11-01 Online:2017-02-20 Published:2017-02-22

摘要: 目的:诱导小鼠成牙骨质细胞矿化,研究在成牙骨质细胞矿化过程中microRNA表达谱的变化。方法:体外培养小鼠成牙骨质细胞系OCCM30,使用抗坏血酸、β-甘油磷酸钠和地塞米松诱导成牙骨质细胞矿化。实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)检测碱性磷酸酶和骨钙蛋白表达量变化来验证矿化情况。应用miRNA microarray 芯片技术,分析成牙骨质细胞矿化过程中miRNA表达谱的变化。QPCR对芯片结果进行验证。结果:成功诱导了成牙骨质细胞的矿化。MiRNA microarray 芯片检测发现成牙骨质细胞矿化过程中miRNA表达谱出现明显改变,其中上调的有4个,下调的有39个。QPCR证明芯片结果准确可靠。结论:建立了小鼠成牙骨质细胞矿化的细胞模型,应用miRNA芯片发现小鼠成牙骨质细胞矿化过程中差异表达的miRNA,提示这些miRNA可能参与成牙骨质细胞矿化过程的调控。

关键词: 成牙骨质细胞, 矿化, microRNA, 微阵列芯片

Abstract: Objective: To establish the mineralization cell model of cementoblasts and to study the microRNA expression profile during the differentiation and mineralization of cementoblasts. Methods: Mice cementoblast cell line OCCM30 was cultured in vitro and the cementoblasts were differentiated and mineralized in the presence of ascorbic acid, β-glycerophosphate, and dexamethasone. Then, the mineralization related markers ALP and OC were assessed by qPCR. Finally, the differentiated miRNA expression profile during the differentiation and mineralization of cementoblasts was screened by miRNA microarray and the accuracy of the results was verified by qPCR. Results: Cementoblasts were successfully induced to differentiation and mineralization. MiRNA microarray showed that there were 4 miRNAs were up-regulated and 39 miRNAs were down-regulated during this process. QPCR confirmed the accuracy of miRNA microarray. Conclusion: The cementoblast mineralization model was established successfully. MiRNA microarray discovered that the miRNAs were differently expressed during the mineralization of cementoblasts. This indicated that these miRNAs may have certain roles during the differentiation and mineralization of cementoblasts.

Key words: Cementoblast , Mineralization , MicroRNA, Microarray
